Originally posted almost two years ago here at Prow's Edge, we have now updated this topic.
It is of vital importance.
Unlike other cruise magazines, here at Prow’s Edge we have been highlighting this issue for many years - not to wallow in gory details or to sensationalize the problem, but to make our readers aware that there is real problem on cruise ships and that passengers need to be aware of it.
The good news is that many of the problems concerning safety at sea can be eased with being sensible and taking a few precautions. Here are a few tips, most of which are common sense.
For a full article about safety at sea and how to avoid becoming a victim, please take a look at www.prowsedge.com/cruises-safety-things-to-do.html at Prow's Edge Cruise Magazine.
• Be vigilant
• Don’t be afraid to report something suspicious
• Avoid deserted areas of the ship
• Limit your alcohol consumption
• Be aware of excessive alcohol consumption by others
• Avoid unattended drinks
• Know where your friends and family are
• Check your stateroom when entering
• Keep your stateroom door locked
• Safeguard your cabin keycard
• Leave expensive jewelry at home
• Lock your jewelry away
• Don’t bring a bank vault of cash

The very fact that the International Cruise Victims Association(ICV) is steadily growing and that membership now reaches 20 countries around the world simply enforces the point that this is an issue we need to know more about.
Don’t sit back and say that this could never happen to you. Get your head out of the sand!
Visit the Safety at Sea section at Prow's Edge Cruise Magazine at www.prowsedge.com/cruises-safety-at-sea.html for news and information on this topic.
And always look out for your phone, wallet and keys. It is best to keep them in the cabin and take them out when you really need them.
ReplyDeleteAdvice from someone who's phone got stolen on a cruise ship.