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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Crimes at Sea (2)

We have already focused on some very ugly things that can happen on a cruise - not to ruin you trip or your looking forward to it, but to make sure you concentrate on how to keep yourself safe and stop yourself thinking that you don’t have to be unthinking just because you’re on a cruise ship.

And again, this is not just about Prow’s Edge being morbid. As we have said before, more and more popular TV and radio stations, such as NBC Chanel 6 in Miami and WKMG-TV/Local 6 - CBS in Orlando are now bringing the news about crimes at sea. 

Here in our SECOND blog about this topic are a few brief, common sense tips about being isolated on your cruise which might make you a possible target.

Don’t be isolated on your cruise
Make sure you know where your friends and family are when on a cruise and that they know where you are. No one likes to have tabs kept on them, especially on a vacation, but it works to everyone’s advantage to know where friends and family members should be at various times of the day. 

For those traveling with children, it is recommended that you implement a check in system, where children need to check in with parents at regular, appointed intervals.

This of course does not just apply to being on ship. It is actually equally important when venturing ashore, especially when on your own, that somebody knows what you’re up to and where you’re headed, and when you expect to be back.

Don’t be afraid to report something suspicious

If you sense that something is not right, either on a tour, or on board ship, trust your instincts and report the matter to the cruise security officer. Better safe than sorry!

Avoid deserted areas of the ship while on your own

Just as you would be street wise and sensible on land when you are not sure of your surroundings, so you should stay in public areas where there are other people about, rather than wandering into deserted areas of the ship on your own.

As attractive as that 3 o'clock in the morning walk around the decks to enjoy the moonlight over the tropical seas on your own may seem like fun – it may not be the most sensible idea!

Again - this is not to make your next cruise sound like an horrific, danger-ridden adventure - it's just about being aware of things you might not think of when you're in a holiday mood and have had a few cocktails more than normal.

Our next blog will offer some sensible advice about keeping your stateroom and your belongings safe and secure.

For more information about the reality of crimes at sea visit International Cruise Victims at:

Also see the Prow’s Edge extensive section about Safety at Sea at:

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